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First Demonstration
Note that the first line is also the title of the web page. This is still the same paragraph.
But this is a new paragraph since it is separated by an empty line.
Some Features
- Note that &, < and > can be written without fear.
- Emphasis
- This word is emphasized.
- Even several words can be emphasized.
- Just one astrick on a line, like 2 * 3 doesn't emphasize.
- Automatic linking
- A URL: http://this.is.a.url/link.html
- A URL, but with a text other than the url itself:
- Email address: ed@hushmail.ct
- Newsgroup: alt.suicide.holiday
Now lets try a horizontal line: (at least four "minus" signs are needed).
Numbered lists:
- First
- Second
- Third
Bulleted lists:
- First point
- Second point...
- Last but not least...
Or even something like this:
- Wow
- Numbered
- You can nest them as far as you want.
- It's pretty decent about figuring out which level of list it
is supposed to be on. It uses the indentation.
- You don't need to change bullet markers to start a new list.
Preformatted text
Preformatted text is indented at least five spaces It will be displayed as is. This line is indented even more. This is again 5 spaces.
Even smaller header
Note that this header is larger than the "Even smaller header" because we used the same underline as we used for the "Some Features" header, so it is the same size as that one.
Header underlines
Note that the underlines for headers can be *, =, +, -, ~, or ".". When Mosaic outputted an html file as text, then the underlines were in this order (i.e., * for H1). However, you can use any order, and the converter will treat the first underline found as H1, the second found as H2, etc.
Header anchoring
The first level header is anchored by "section-1.", second level by "section-1.1.", "section-1.2.", "section-1.3.", etc...
Lets try it, by building a Table of contents: