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Ash Media Coverage
Numerous ArticlesAboutAsh have been published, most of them adopt the conventional attitude towards suicide. Should we try to explain our side of the story? To what degree should we CooperateWithTheMedia , if at all? In the rest of this article it is assumed that we should cooperate. We cannot stop future articles, but we might be able improve our interaction with the media in order to obtain specific goals which would better serve our community.The Media: an Overview
After learning about reporter's ideals, constraints and about additional JournalismBackground issues, we present some GeneralGuidelines for interacting with the media, how to do Interviews, TalkShows, and additional tips for different kinds of media. After an article has been published, there is the question of whether and how we can reply to the media and get our point of view published in the "letters to the editor" section. If you have been wronged, you might also want to complain to the media.Our Cause
To communicate effectively, you should set a goal which you want your interaction with the media to achieve - an Agenda. To achieve this Agenda requires a set of messages, tactics, and key phrases - a Game Plan. Anticipating the journalist's questions, Anticipating what other interviewees may say, answering them, and determining possible KeyMessages we wish to communicate, can all help us devise possible AgendaAndGamePlans. We use a "mix and match" approach. For example, some KeyMessages may be appropriate for several agenda. In addition, you can devise new agenda and use some of the existing KeyMessages to support it. For an interview, you do not have to study all the possible key messages, rather, you should choose a single agenda, to your liking, and prepare to communicate only the KeyMessages which support that agenda.Taking the Initiative
Instead of waiting for the next media wave covering us to come on by, there are LongTermInitiatives we can do to prepare for the wave, or even generate articles without one.References
- Women's Network Australia: Become a Media Tart - Getting the Results You Want. For business women who want to promote their business. Simple instructions to handle interviews.
- Online Public Relations: The Successful Media Interview
- Public Relations Made Easy: Media Insight: The art of the interview from three perspectives, an interview with three journalists, from different disciplines: newspaper, radio and TV.
- Clarence Jones, Winning with the News Media: A self-defense manual when you are the story, 2001.
-- EverDawn