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How to use Chanserv

Chanserv is a DALnet service that allows you to register an irc channel as your own and control how it is used. Most of the commands can only be used by the channel founder, but some may be used by SOPs, AOPs or anyone else. For more detailed information, check the official DALnet documentation on Chanserv


The Info command lets you retrieve information about a particular channel. Anyone can use the info command.

/chanserv INFO #alt.suicide.bus.stop

Info for #alt.suicide.bus.stop:
Founder    : STBDchick (~soontobed@Surfer3-148.tidalwave.com)
Mode Lock  : +cnt-k
Description: Welcome to ASH - sorry you're here
URL        : http://asbs.xanthia.com
Memo Level : AOP
Registered : Wed 11/15/2000 07:04:41 GMT
Last opping: Thu 04/19/2001 13:32:14 GMT


The Access command lets you view the access level in a particular channel, for yourself or another user.

/chanserv ACCESS #alt.suicide.bus.stop SomeNick

SomeNick ACC #alt.suicide.bus.stop 2 (SOP)


The Op and Deop commands allow you to give or remove operator status from others in the channel, even if you don't have operator status yourself. You don't even need to be in the channel at the time. You need to have at least AOP status to be able to use these commands.

/chanserv OP #alt.suicide.bus.stop SomeNick
/chanserv DEOP #alt.suicide.bus.stop SomeNick


The AOP command allows you to grant or remove AOP status from other users. You must have at least SOP status yourself to be able to use the AOP command.

/chanserv AOP #alt.suicide.bus.stop list
/chanserv AOP #alt.suicide.bus.stop add SomeNick
/chanserv AOP #alt.suicide.bus.stop del SomeNick


The Akick command lets you modify the akick list for the channel. You must have at least SOP status to use the Akick command.

/chanserv AKICK #alt.suicide.bus.stop list
/chanserv AKICK #alt.suicide.bus.stop add SomeNick
/chanserv AKICK #alt.suicide.bus.stop del SomeNick

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