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Responsibilities of ops
Both AOPs and SOPs have the following responsibilities:
- Be familiar with the channel page on this web site.
- Protect the channel from hostile intrusion when chanserv is down by opping anyone you know to be an AOP or SOP.
- Attempt to mediate problems between members in channel.
- Address complaints of members promptly and fairly.
- Change the channel topic as desired, making sure it always begins with "Pro-choice suicide chat - http://ashbusstop.org"
Operators Code Of Conduct
- Operators are to be impartial in their authority with no partiality given to a regular who is in error, or to an unpopular person who acts within the guidelines. However, any participant who in the view of the Operators has a verifiable history of abuse and /or trolling may be added to the list of automatic rejection (banned) posters notwithstanding the above. The Operator will be required to present logs or other evidence to support any such case.
- In any dispute arising between channel participants, the Operator shall
- PM the person or persons concerned. If one participant is a AOP, then a SOP shall be a mediating party.
- Inform the person or persons why their behavior is inappropriate, and refer the person(s) to the Guidelines.
- Allow the person to make amends.
- If the person refuses to make amends, kick the person from the channel.
- If the behavior persists, ban the person from the channel.
- If an Operator feels they cannot be impartial in a particular case, they shall take no action them self, and that Operator shall refer the matter to another Operator.
- Any and all offenses which result in bans must have logs to show the offense, and the offender (including a whois entry). This is so that when someone inquires as to why they have been banned, a detailed reason may be provided. These logs must be posted to the Operators mailing list within 1 hour of the ban. This clause does not apply to spammers.
- A reason shall be given by an Operator for any kick or ban at the time the ban is applied.
- Should a ban last longer than 24 hours, the person who has been banned shall be informed by the Operator for the reason for, and duration of, that ban. In such a case, the person being banned must contact the Operator, and the Operator must be prepared to respond in writing.
Responsibilities of AOPs
- Ban spammers, hackers and interventionist-troll types immediately. Please send info regarding those type of bans to an SOP and include a reason why you banned, so that the person can be added to the akick list.
- Spend time on the channel regularly. If you are unable to do so, whether permanently or temporarily, you may be removed from the AOP list or by the SOPs to make room for someone whom is around more often than you.
- Ban members whom are causing disruptions using the !ban command. You must PM the person who you have banned and discuss the issue with them.
- If the channel operators do not agree on an action taken, any SOPs present should make a decision and AOPs should abide by it. If you disagree with that decision, appeal by sending email to SR-71A explaining the issue and include any pertinent logfiles. She will email to SOP mailing list for discussion.
Additional Responsibilities of SOPs
- Keep up-to-date with the SOP mailing list so as to be aware of any current issues.
- Spend time on the channel regularly. If you are unable to do so, whether permanently or temporarily, you should resign as an SOP so someone else can take over your responsibilities for a while.
- Akick spammers, hackers and interventionist-troll types immediately. Please send info regarding those type of bans to the SOP mailing list, include a reason why you akicked, so that no one will inadvertently remove an akick.
- Ban members whom are causing disruptions using the !ban command. You must PM the person who you have banned and discuss the issue with them.
- Resolve disputes about bans amongst AOPs.
- Add people to the AOP list as appropriate according to the criteria in this page. You must send notice to the SOP mailing list when you add AOPs within 24 hours, so we remain aware of who is on the list.
- Delete people to the AOP list if necessary according to the criteria in this page. You must also inform the AOP that you are taking this action and why prior to taking this action and you must send notice of this action to the SOP mailing list with a full explanation within 24 hours.
Qualifications to be an AOP
The SOPs have decided that there should be 25 AOPs on the channel. When an opening exists on the AOP list, current SOPs can add an AOP. Criteria used in choosing an AOP include:- spend time in the channel regularly
- have a registered nick
- supportive of ASH values and culture
- understanding of IRC (including chanserv, nickserv and memoserv), and the channel
- reasonable level of emotional stability for an ASHer
- ability to calm people down and mediate problems
- patience with other ASHers, especially when they're acting badly
- ability to remain neutral in the midst of disagreements even when a friend is on one side of the disagreement
- willingess to be supportive of other ASHers
Qualifications to be an SOP
The SOPs have decided that there should be 10 SOPs on the channel. If an SOP is not going to be around, whether permanently or temporarily, he/she should resign so we always have a full SOP list.When an opening exists on the SOP list, current SOPs can nominate new SOPs via post to the SOP mailing list. If no one opposes the addition for a few days, one of the current SOPs should invite that person to be an SOP. Once they accept, stbdchick will simultaneously add the nominated person to both the SOP list on the channel and the SOP mailing list.
The criteria to be used in choosing SOPs includes:
- spend time in the channel regularly
- reasonable level of emotional stability for an ASHer
- ability to calm people down and mediate problems
- willingness to make tough decisions even if it pisses someone off
- large degree of patience with other ASHers, especially when they're acting badly
- ability to remain neutral in the midst of disagreements even when a friend is on one side of the disagreement
- willingess to be supportive of other ASHers
- a responsible attitude towards having AOPs over a period of time
Copyright 2001-2006 by ASBS members. Please email the webmistress for permission to re-use any of these pages elsewhere.