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The following logfiles are complete and accurate, spelling errors, typo's and all. The only changes I have made is HTML formatting, removal of all nicks except mine and his, and removal of any of his personal information.

-Susan Smith

Session Start: Thu Dec 07 17:56:03 2000 Session Ident: Euthanasia22 (IP deleted)
(Euthanasia22) sorry got cut
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) its ok
(Euthanasia22) the server dumpt me
(Euthanasia22) again, I asking about feb, if that is ok?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i spose yea
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) im in no hurry to die, we all do eventually.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) whats anothe few months of depression eh
(Euthanasia22) I had the idea you wanted to go in a hurry?
(Euthanasia22) But in Feb it will all be over
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) yea, but today i feel "o.K" im sure it wont last long.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) so what exactly is your plan and what exactly do i need to do exactly?
(Euthanasia22) if we make plans for this, is there a chance you will back out?
(Euthanasia22) or would you be commited
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) depends on you i spose
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i mean i dont wanna wake up from the drugs you give me, to find out ive been raped or something
(Euthanasia22) Oh? how do you mean depends on me?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i mean how do i know honestly that your not just bullshitting me?
(Euthanasia22) Well, I understand, and yes you take a risk, but I'm serious about this
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok then be straight with me.
(Euthanasia22) You will be drowned exactly as I said
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) have you ever done this before and if not how do i know you wont chicken out at the last minute?
(Euthanasia22) You can only have my word on it
(Euthanasia22) I get nothing out of playing games
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i hope not.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i hate game players.
(Euthanasia22) me too
(Euthanasia22) it is a waste of time
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i think so
(Euthanasia22) I know your serious
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok so give me your number and i will call you tomorow.
(Euthanasia22) Ok, but what time?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) you were going to give it to me the other day and sorry i coudlnt get back online that day
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i duno give me a time
(Euthanasia22) what is the deference between you and Ca time?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) umm 3 hours.
(Euthanasia22) and where are you going to keep my number
(Euthanasia22) we are 3 hours ahead of you right?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) umm
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) its 6 pm here
(Euthanasia22) 8 pm here now
(Euthanasia22) what is the best time for you tomorrow?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) about..
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) 1 pm here.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) that would be 4 your time
(Euthanasia22) 3 pm here, ok
(Euthanasia22) it is 2 hours
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) oh
(Euthanasia22) if it is 6 pm ther now
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) yea its 6
(Euthanasia22) it is 8 pm here right now
(Euthanasia22) I do not want my number left around
(Euthanasia22) I want you to keep it so it is not found
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) it wont be found.
(Euthanasia22) can you do that?
(Euthanasia22) Ok
(Euthanasia22) (number deleted)
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) yea i can do that.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) (writing it in the bible)
(Euthanasia22) Ok, it will be good to talk to you
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) yea it will be cool
(Euthanasia22) I wish I knew a easier way to do this
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) to do what? kill me?
(Euthanasia22) bring it with you
(Euthanasia22) I have to be very sure of no trail, and sure you understand that
(Euthanasia22) To kill you and not be cot is the trick here
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) belive me i leave no trails. spent most of my youth on the streets as a kid
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ditching cops n shit ya know.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) but how do u knw you can do this, kill me part?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) and i still dont understand why you would
(Euthanasia22) it is not worth it if you don't co operate with covering your tracks
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i mean i know i couldnt kil no one, even if they were depressed.
(Euthanasia22) ha?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) what?
(Euthanasia22) your making the choice to die, not me
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) im making the choice to drink the drug you bring, yes.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) to die peacefully.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) but your drowning me...that makes it murder on your part..question is are you sure you can do that?
(Euthanasia22) Let me also ask you if you want it done the same day you arive? or do you want a day to relax first?
(Euthanasia22) You will die peacefuly, that is a promis you can be sure of
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i duno never thought of it.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok what type of drug are you using tho?
(Euthanasia22) I can do it, if I don't, you would do it in a not so painless peaceful way
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) what drugs are you using tho?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) now if im asleep...and you put me under water, wont i wake up???
(Euthanasia22) I don't want to tell you the drug for fear you will try to od on it, it is better used to knowck you out
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i am not going to try to od on anything.
(Euthanasia22) the problem with over doeses and why they are so unrelibale
(Euthanasia22) No
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
(Euthanasia22) with this drug it is like being in a coma
(Euthanasia22) can't be awakend for hours
(Euthanasia22) you can't awaken and panic
(Euthanasia22) it will be peaceful as I have said
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) so what i just drink the mixture you make and go to sleep
(Euthanasia22) the reason I ask you about when you would like to do it, there might be someone else that can be helped using the same cabin, but don't want you and her to meet, think your privicy is important
(Euthanasia22) Yes, with wine
(Euthanasia22) it would be in the wine
(Euthanasia22) and I would tell you
(Euthanasia22) not trick you at all
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok...
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) Someone else wants you to do this?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) who?
(Euthanasia22) can't tell you
(Euthanasia22) and would never say anything about you either
(Euthanasia22) it is private
(Euthanasia22) I try to respect people
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) is it an ASHer?
(Euthanasia22) wont even tell you that
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
(Euthanasia22) it should not matter to you
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) well if i only rent the cabin for one day, how are you gonna work this?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) it dont i said it was ok
(Euthanasia22) just someone else that also wants a peaceful death wich is not easy to get
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok.
(Euthanasia22) your going to rent the cabin for 2 weeks
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) well if im renting it for two weeks, that makes sense then
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) where, and how much is the question then
(Euthanasia22) If I understand you from talking before, you don't care about the money
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) naww money aint importiant.
(Euthanasia22) I told you, I'm looking at 2 places now
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) but i still need to know how much its gonna cost. and i need to make reservations n stuff
(Euthanasia22) between 1,500 per week,to 1,900
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok.
(Euthanasia22) forgot how much the deposit is
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) you said you were going to get me phone numbers for the cabin and the boat, you still gonna do this?
(Euthanasia22) but that is an idea
(Euthanasia22) Not yet until I decide on wich one
(Euthanasia22) and have to figure out how to do it without useing a credit card
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i can take cash i spose
(Euthanasia22) can you get money orders with the credit card?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) yea
(Euthanasia22) I will have you send the money to them directly so you know I'm not takig the moeny
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
(Euthanasia22) I just have to make sure it is not traced
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i thought you wanted money for doing this?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) you said to sale everything.
(Euthanasia22) I want whatever you can have left over
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) like you said, i wont need it.
(Euthanasia22) bring me everything you can because you can't take it with you
(Euthanasia22) but not jewlry, can be traced to you
(Euthanasia22) sell what you can
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) can i bring my cat?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) seriouslly.
(Euthanasia22) NO
(Euthanasia22) why your cat?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) well why not?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) cuz its MY cat.
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) no one else here will take care of it
(Euthanasia22) who is going to take care of it
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) i wanna take it with me
(Euthanasia22) can't you find a home there for it?
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) to the cabin let it run wild
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) well yea i spose i could
(Euthanasia22) I do not like cats, and I have a dog that hates them
(WomanBesidesMeWhoWentAfterEuthanasia) ok
Session Close: Thu Dec 07 18:33:31 2000

Last update: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 23:55

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